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Siberian cedar oil Cedar soft resin extract 10%, 100 ml

Price: 19.00€ 53.74€

Status: In stock


It has been known for a long time that cedar forests are an original factory of oxygen rich in negative ions. It is an ideal environment for a healthy rest.

1 cubic meter of air in such a forest contains only about 200-300 microbe cells as the cedar kills them possessing antimicrobic properties. It is possible to consider the air of the cedar forest almost sterile.

Cedar resin is a fine immune stimulator which restores the vital energy of the organism.

During the Great Patriotic War soft resin balm was successfully applied in military hospitals. It promoted the reduction of terms of treatment duration and saved the lives of many people. Therefore, it is possible to make an assumption that the enrichment of Siberian cedar oil with soft resin allows to keep and improve the useful properties of Siberian cedar oil.

Siberian cedar oil, enriched with soft resin, fatty acids (Omega-6) and Vitamin E;

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